A few weeks ago, I had the great fun of meeting up with some high school classmates. Some of them I knew well … others … not so much. However, the many years blurred the our differences and gave each of us a chance to reacquaint.
At the night’s end, “Ellen” gave me a hug and with that a friendly mandate said, “Keep writing. I always read and love what you post!”
As I drove away, the “why’s” and the “wondering’s” moved in and out of my mind. Here was someone who I barely know, barely knew seeing in me a gift, talent that I’ve always felt I had in me … but was caught up in that “all or nothing” rut. Being, if my written words are exactly right, then just forget it!
Well, as you can see by the dates of my last blog … I did “forget it!”
I even forgot the passwords. Yet, at 4 a.m. this morning, I was frantically trying to remember passwords, usernames that would get me back … back to my words.
Well, Ellen (and all you other wonderful people who had faith in me and my gifts) I’m back and blogging!
Simply Sacred Step: Listen to “Your Ellen’s!”
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