Well, if you haven't looked at today's calendar yet ... look! It's not March 1. ... it's February 29 ... the day we all call "Leap Day." A day, when traditionally, a women can ask a man to marry (even though that's just a bunch of silliness!)
I would prefer to consider today a day when we decide to leap or to limp. Which one? Do we take the leap into new territories, onto new paths or even eating something new ... OR do we just keep limping along?
Don't get me wrong. Sometimes we need to "limp" ... to heal. I'm still limping in many, many areas and some of my leaps will have to be Herculean when the time arrives. This blog is my "leap" and I'm finding it to be just what I need right now. Its not an Olympian leap, but its a leap!
What matters is that when we leap ... we're almost flying ... doing something different ... something that we must put forth effort, momentum and lift ourselves above the same old landscape.
See that guy above? He really was leaping ... no Photoshopping here! Rodney Smith (who is probably one of the best B/W photographers around) had to take many shots before they could get the right image.
It's the same with us. It starts with a limp ... then a hop ... then a jump ... then that unbelievable, breathtaking leap!
Simple Sacred Steps:
- Limp
- Hop
- Jump
Remember earlier, that "even trying something new to eat is a leap!" How about this recipe? To celebrate Leap Day ... I'm going to call this recipe "Leap Neeps." My Scottish Uncle Angus (Bill Smith) makes this dish perfectly! At first, I wasn't too sure, but when I tasted it ... I just couldn't pass it up.